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Garvey Education Association
The Garvey Education Association is affiliated with CTA and NEA
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The Garvey Education Association

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The Garvey Teachers Association was in 1935. It was originally founded as a tea club. The Association even purchased their own tea set.

Under the Whiton Act, the Association and the District followed the “meet and confer” provisions with the main power of negotiations on the side of the District.

On May 18, 2976, under the Rodda Act, the Garvey Teachers Association became the exclusive bargaining agent for the teachers, nurses, speech pathologists and psychologists.

In 1977, the Garvey Teachers Association became the Garvey Education Association.

Officers and Committee Chairs

President - Michael Drange

Vice-President - Pat Kasababian

Secretary - Greta Smith

Treasurer - Ken Tang

K-3 Representative - Elizabeth Lee

4-6 Representative - Michael Kenny

7-8 Representative - Betty Tran

Special Areas Representative - Rachel Reyes-Aceytuno
Bargaining Chair - Pat Kasababian

Political Action Chair - Michael Kenny

Communications Chair - Greta Smith

Retirement Chair - Nancy Kugler

Finance Chair - Vacant

Grievance Chair - Vacant

Membership Chair - Sanya Terricina

Instructional and Professional Development (IPD) - Gloria Lopez

Organizing Committee Chairs - Vacant

Elections Chair - Gloria Lopez

Human Rights and Equity - Vacant

Webmaster - Michael Drange